Welcome to the Recovery Daily Podcast.

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Rachel’s Recovery Journey

Rachel Miller, a stroke survivor and gratefully recovering alcoholic, has marked eight years of sobriety. Recently, her journey has taken an unexpected turn, revealing severe post-stroke symptoms that were initially perceived as neurological vision impairment. However, upon further understanding, these challenges are related to a vestibular disorder. This newfound realization has redirected her path towards a renewed focus on rehabilitation.

Amidst these changes, Rachel made a conscious decision to document her recovery journey through the medium of her voice. The Recovery Daily Podcast embodies Rachel’s approach to life—an unwavering focus on the possibilities that lie ahead rather than dwelling on what she may have lost. Her belief is simple: sharing her experience, strength, and hope can be a catalyst for profound healing in both herself and others.

Join Rachel as she navigates dual recovery while embracing the lessons learned, the resilience discovered, and the joy found in every step forward.

Tristan, Rachel, and Bailey

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As a mother, daughter, sister, dog owner, kayaker, yogi, people leader, stroke survivor, and recovering alcoholic, Rachel has helped develop individuals in a way that has transformed their lives, and altered the course of her own. She is spiritual, funny, thought-provoking, stubborn, and imperfect.


Rachel has been a member of a recovery fellowship for over 7 years. She draws from parallels in her recovery experiences to provide inspiration and hope. Her perseverance is fueled by adding value to the the lives of others and by not taking herself too seriously.


As a recovering alcoholic and stroke survivor, Rachel finds healing in turning her inner voice outward. “I’m just a channel for my inner voice to reach others. By shining a light in the dark places we don’t talk about, we can release the ideas that are dangerous to our mental health and make room for joy and gratitude.”


Rachel’s story of transforming her life into a full and joyful one, while fighting both medical and mental health obstacles, is the inspiration behind her topics. She focuses on sharing her recovery experiences, applying them to become her best self, and practicing acceptance and gratitude.

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