Tag: alcoholism

The Intersection of Sobriety and Stroke Recovery

Reflecting on life before sobriety, the grip of alcohol was the only constant while awaiting looming disaster. Responsibilities became unmanageable, bills remained unopened, and relationships strained under the weight of internal chaos. The haze of alcohol blurred reality, offering a temporary escape that transformed into an indefinite hiatus from genuine connection. A Sober Awakening Sobriety […]

Sense of Sobriety

With increased awareness of my senses in sobriety, without the numbing effect of alcohol, I feel from beginning, through the middle, to the end. I am learning to pause and look back over my shoulder to say, “I just did that, and it didn’t kill me.” The more I feel from beginning to end, the more I welcome feelings and the more confident I am in my ability to handle each and every one of them.