My mental health took center stage this week due to a diagnosis shift. It’s natural to feel sad and frustrated during these uncertain times.
Tag: recovery
Navigating Neurological Vision Impairment After a Stroke
Managing neurological vision impairment post-stroke is a daily challenge. Coping strategies like daily naps and meditation have been crucial.
The Intersection of Sobriety and Stroke Recovery
Reflecting on life before sobriety, the grip of alcohol was the only constant while awaiting looming disaster. Responsibilities became unmanageable, bills remained unopened, and relationships strained under the weight of internal chaos. The haze of alcohol blurred reality, offering a temporary escape that transformed into an indefinite hiatus from genuine connection. A Sober Awakening Sobriety […]
Ask For Help: Build Your Recovery Team
Asking for help is one of the hardest things we have to do, after spending the first quarter of our lives learning how to be independent.
From Pride to Authentic Living in Recovery
Pride can hinder personal growth and blind us, inhibiting our ability to see our authentic selves, much less show it to others. For me, acknowledging that I can’t change people, places, or things and that I need to be open to changing myself became a crucial realization in recovery. Each day of sobriety I make […]
Who I Am
As a sober alcoholic I’m being constantly molded into who I am one day at a time, shifting my mindset from fear to recognize the opportunity.
Illnesses Deep Within Us
Deep down within us there are illnesses that can’t be seen, including depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, anger, loneliness, and despair.
Baking For the Brain
By practicing willingness, I’ve been enjoying the benefits of baking in recovery and enjoying the journey rather than just the destination.
Freedom From Dependence
Freedom from dependence comes when I admit complete defeat. After two years of discomfort and denial, I made the decision that I could not continue to live with the chronic pain in my head, simply ignoring it.
The Deceptive Nature of Comfort
I’ve learned to get comfortable being uncomfortable and not to seek comfort in unhealthy things, but rather, in things that help me grow.