My understanding of the Serenity Prayer happened in an unexpected way: backwards. I had to learn how to pause first.
Author: Rachel
I Am A Miracle In Recovery
When navigating life-altering and near-fatal events that lead to a life of recovery, the concept of a miracle in recovery often emerges.
Honesty: Voicing Your Hidden Motives
Try saying your self-talk out loud. It might just reveal hidden motives beneath your good deeds while cultivating stronger self-awareness.
Forgiveness: I Only Have Today
Forgiveness is the act of letting go of the idea that our past could have been different. It’s about embracing the present.
Dry January Survival Guide: Stay Sober & Enjoy It
I salute those who are courageously embracing Dry January in 2024 and your commitment to an alcohol-free start to the year.
Walking the Path: Choosing Adaptation Over Despair
I used to go to extreme lengths for alcohol and today must go to any lengths to choose adaption over despair and prioritize my well-being.
Active Surrender: Rise Up and Rebuild
Active surrender is about the deliberate action that follows, unplanting our feet from familiar ground and taking steps in a new direction.
Climbing New Heights: Strategies for New Learning
Exploring my post-stroke journey and neuropsychiatric insights into mild vascular neurocognitive disorder with strategies for new learning.
Trust the Journey: Signs You’re on the Right Path
Being on the right path doesn’t mean there’s an absence of obstacles or difficulties. Its living with joy despite of hurdles
Rationalization: Confronting the Illusion of Control
As a recovering alcoholic and stroke survivor, I know the complexity of rationalization and how it intertwines with my illusions of control.